Alrighty folks, This beautiful plant of mine, that I have nourished and cared for seems to be rebelling yet again. It looked for a while like it might be actually blooming. It greeted me warmly on a regular basis and seemed to like my presence. But recently it has taken a turn for the worse. I think it chose to do this. Her leaves have lost their luster and are looking hard and crusty. A few of her brighter leaves have been replaced by crinkled brown ones. I thought she might be angry with me, but I think she's just being stupid. She thinks she can grow on her own? Fat chance. Does she really believe that the other plants outside that are telling her what to do and how to grow know better? Here she is warm and safe in our home surrounded by those that love her (the plant) but she longs for what the cold hard world has to offer. Tempted by other hard, rough, weeds she rebels only to perish quicker. Why? I have no clue. Is she not happy here? Obviously she thinks she can do better outside. But I am afraid to let her go. I am angered by the fact that what I have to offer isnt enough. It should be. The only thing to be gained by rebelling and becoming hard is a quicker death. Spiritually and physically cutting herself off from those that love her. If she would only listen to me and trust my knowledge, she might be blooming again. Instead she seems to like the darkness she is living in by choice. It scares me really. What to do? Again, it's out of my hands. Here's dinner, here's gifts, here's love, is it enough? Probably not. Bummer. Pray. Pray alot.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tithing is paid in so many ways...
Nope! Wrong answer! So our wonderful Bishop didn't get the right answer from our new priesthood holder, so he moved on to Rysa. Great. "Rysa, are you a full tithe payer?" Her answer didn't suprise many. Except for the Bishop. "Well.....I got Jango off the couch!" What? The Bishop then looks at us for clarity on her response. Jango is my brother's boxer puppy that is so large he eats off the counter when you're not watching and lovingly brings you clods of manure from outside and spits them at your feet. Fantastic. The Bishop did not know what to say. So I whispered "Good job Rysa. Way to pay your tithing." I think this counts. Don't you? Way to save mommys new couch. Even though she is a little afraid of the big dog, she knew that he was not allowed on the couch. So, she is a full tithe payer in my eyes. We all pay tithing in our own little way don't we? I think my kids pay their tithing every day. Without being asked and just because they love me. And Jeff and I pay our to the Lord, just because we love him.
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