Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week three!

Its week three my fit friends! Its getting a little easier but harder to be motivated too. Five days a week is harder than I thought it would be. I am doing my video twice and the treadmill once a week with an incline of 10. Then, I run once a week (actually I run, walk it for three miles) and then do the video one more time. Burn it up almost killed me. Soda seems to standing at my weight loss door laughing at me. Grinning like he knows me better then I know myself. Ok, I love it. I admit it. Hello, my name is Amy and I am an addict. Diet Dr. Pepper is the Devil. How about one a day? One can. I am even willing to cut back to medium size at happy hour instead of route 44. I believe a medium will still fit in my sparkly cup. Yes, I have a special cup. And I love it. It's like a prom dress for your pop....I guess we know I certainly have issues. But I'm happier!


Stef said...

That cup is hilarious!! I am proud of you. You are hard core, woman! Treadmill at 10 incline?? OUCH!! You go girl. One step at a time.

DeWitts said...

Way to go Amy! I wished i lived by you so we could do it together. i've been doing turbo jam, walking and trying to run here and there. but i know what you mean about a diet soda but i'm not going to cave. good luck!

tippychelle said...

Don't choke on the sparkles...could be made out of lead or cadmium. Keep up the burn Aim! Love you.

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