Thursday, August 20, 2009

Best Friends are the Bestest...

Today I am thinking that I have the most wonderful, fantastic husband ever created. I actually think this all the time. It's just time to share it. After ten years of marriage I still can't wait to see him at the end of the day and I want to spend as much time as possible with him. He won't let me go to bed angry. He let's me drink as much Diet Dr. Pepper as I want without giving me guilt and he totally supports me in my church calling. What more can I ask for? He's so darn cute too! He loves my family and respects them even though we get a little nutsy sometimes and he will do anything to help anyone. How in the world did I get so lucky? I have no clue. This morning we went to Sonic (my favorite drink place) and there was no Diet Dr. Pepper which to someone as addicted as I am is pretty tragic, and he offered to go to another one. Helllloooo! Perfect husband indeed. To top it all off, he's a REAL cowboy and looks awesome in his hat. Oh, I love that man of mine!


The Giffords said...

Jeff looks thrilled in that picture. You do have a great guy though!

Lacey said...

You have a great guy! Jeff is so awesome!!!

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